Frequently Asked Questions

Functional Medicine FAQs

What does “Metta” mean and why did we chose it?

The word Metta translates into "loving," "friendship", "kindness," or “benevolence.”

Metta means to care and wish well for another being without judging them, to accept them independently of agreeing or disagreeing with them, and without wanting anything from them in return. It is a universal love that can overcome all social, religious, ethnic, political and economic barriers.

At Metta Health Institute, we want people to embrace this message and to approach themselves, others and our planet with love and kindness.

How does functional medicine differ from traditional medicine?

Traditional western medicine focuses on the treatment of symptoms in a systems-based approach where the body is only viewed in individual parts. A person may come into a clinic with digestive challenges and receives the diagnosis of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and receives some kind of medication to help reduce the symptoms temporarily. But what exactly does the diagnosis actually tell us? It is simply a name given to a collection of symptoms that a person is experiencing but does not provide a reason as to why the person has these symptoms in the first place. 

Functional medicine looks at the body as a whole in order to identify and resolve the underlying cause of illness. Through functional testing and a detailed history of each patient, the stressor that is causing the IBS symptoms is identified (i.e., infections, stress/emotional trauma, toxic chemicals, heavy metals or foods). Personalized supplement/detox programs are then implored to fix the issue and help restore normal function in the body. 

Do you do lab testing?

Yes, lab testing is extremely helpful in identifying underlying conditions and helps to provide a baseline for each patient.  The lab testing should however be specific to each patient and encompass a broad spectrum of bio markers, as all body systems work together at all times.  We focus on certain labs to uncover hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, GUT dysbiosis and toxin elimination. 

Can I supplement myself out of a poor lifestyle?

The direct answer is No. Supplements should always be supplemental and support the body in processes that have been impaired. Lifelong health lies in our daily habits. Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, adequate sleep, minimizing stress and having self-care/mindfulness practices that are right for you is the key. 

Is it important to take supplements daily?

There are some supplements that have become an essential part of a healthy life. The depravation of our soils through monocrop farming, the use of chemical fertilizers along with toxic herbicides and pesticides have created food that is becoming void of nutrients.

Some daily supplement recommendations include:

  1. Multivitamin

  2. Fish oil

  3. Vitamin D3

  4. Probiotics

Does it matter where my supplements come from?

Absolutely! All supplements are not created equal. With the supplement industry having become a multibillion-dollar business, the market has been flooded with cheap, toxic brands. Recent studies have shown that many supplements available in large grocers are nearly completely void of the actual active ingredient and is mostly comprised of fillers and chemicals. These supplements are more harmful than helpful. Many supplements coming from overseas often also contains heavy metals that can cause various health issues. 

It is therefore imperative that supplements come from reputable sources and have been tested for content and toxins. 

Functional medicine providers will be able to provide specific supplements for patients that are based on our bio individuality.

Is there one perfect diet?

To keep it simple, No. There is no one size fits all diet as we are all individual ecosystems that thrive differently.  At the same time, there are diets that are certainly not good for us. The “SAD” (Standard American Diet) emphasizes ultra-processed foods that are high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, and poor-quality ingredients.

The key here is not so much to focus on one particular diet, like Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, Vegan, Vegetarian, and whatever else is out there, but to rather focus on eating a diverse diet of organic, sustainably grown whole foods. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t pronounce the ingredients or need a biochemistry degree to understand them, don’t consume it! Once you have moved to eating a whole food organic diet, you can start to experiment with tailoring your diet to your personal needs/how you feel best. The food you eat should always leave you feeling energized and vibrant. 

Does it really matter where my food comes from?

Absolutely! The food we eat is one of the most important factors in determining our long-term health, as this is the one thing we do most. Focusing on organically and regeneratively grown crops, pasture raised meats and wild caught fish has a tremendous impact on how healthy and resilient we and our planet are. The foods we eat will either feed health or feed disease and this is a conscious choice we need to make every day. We either invest into our Farmacy now or someone else’s Pharmacy later on.  

Performance Physical Therapy FAQs

Can I get reimbursed by my insurance policy for my visits?

Yes you can! We collect payment in full for each visit, but after each session we provide you with a superbill with all medical codes so you can submit it to your insurance carrier. If you have out of network benefits/ PPO plan, you can often get reimbursed for the visits, or large portions of the cost. Individual plans do vary, so to be sure of your benefits and expected reimbursement rates, we recommend contacting your insurance provider before beginning treatment.

Do I need a referral from a medical doctor to do physical therapy?

No. Texas is a direct access state which means that you can see Dr. Tom for Performance Physical Therapy without a referral/prescription. However, after 10 days, you will need a referral to continue therapy from a provider such as a medical doctor or chiropractor, Fortunately, if ongoing treatment is justified, that is provided by Dr. Hartmann (the founding partner here at Metta) at no cost and is seamlessly prescribed after reviewing your initial treatment plan outlined by Dr. Tom. This is one of the benefits of receiving physical therapy at Metta Health is that you do not need any outside providers to begin or complete your physical therapy care.

Do you only work with athletes?

No! Dr. Tom is known for his work with elite athletes, but works with anyone with an orthopedic or neurological injury. Aside from sports medicine, he specializes in those suffering from chronic pain given his advanced credentials in dry needling.

If I need physical therapy, does that mean I have to stop exercising or playing my sport?

As long as performing the activities you love doesn’t increase your risk of structural damage or more serious injury, we will help you develop strategies that safely “keep you in the game.”

What should I wear?

Please come dressed in athletic clothing so that we can easily assess your movement and access any injured body parts.